Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our baby's first picture!

Ben and I saw the baby today for the first time! Of course, the baby is just tiny (the size of a large raspberry), but it is still so exciting and a miracle!! Some amazing facts about our baby right now are:

-Our baby is over 10,000 times bigger than at conception
- Our baby's brain cells are being generated at a rate of 100 cells per minute
-Our baby's lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back are taking shape
-Our baby's heart is beating at about 150 times per minute

I'm feeling pretty good. I've been able to keep the nausea under control if I eat really healthy every 1 1/2 hours. When I do that I feel great! I am more tired than usual (and take naps when I can), but all in all things are good (knock on wood)!


About Us

We were married in the Salt Lake City Temple on November 17th, 2007. This blog will capture the many adventures we've had so far and those to come!